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Research Underwriters has served as a leading independent agency for nearly 60 years, growing from a one-man operation into a national leader in the insurance industry. Founded in 1958 in Pittsburgh, PA., Research Underwriters began operations with just one employee; its founder, Stan Friedberg. In these early days, the company had a broad focus, providing insurance solutions for an array of individuals and business concerns.
It was not until Stan’s son, Stephen, joined Research Underwriters that the company began to develop its specialty in the transportation insurance arena. Stan and Steve, along with a growing staff, began to focus on commercial transportation operations, such as taxi, limousine, bus, and paratransit companies. Starting small and local, the company learned the challenges associated with managing these types of businesses, and sought to develop long-lasting relationships in the industry that would yield benefits for transportation company owners.
Recognizing the challenges that transportation companies were having in standard markets, Research Underwriters endeavored to create a new insurance company that would be designed from the ground up to provide solutions for the unique risks associated with the transportation industry. In 2004, Freedom Advantage Insurance Co. was founded as a broker-controlled insurer. Freedom Advantage enjoys a Financial Stability Rating® of “A,” and remains committed to delivering the highest quality insurance products for its customers.
Starting from one employee in Pittsburgh, PA., Research Underwriters now has a national presence, with offices located in cities across the country and more than 3,500 valued customers. Research Underwriters continues to stand for integrity and trust, and while much has changed since 1958, a commitment to providing the highest quality, most competitive insurance solutions has remained constant.
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